The Classical Music World After the Samuragochi Incident

Feb 12, 2022

Do you remember "HIROSHIMA," Symphony No. 1 by Mr. Samuragochi?

Yes, I remember it. The ghostwriter scandal...

That's right.

The incident that shook the classical music world.
(For more details, please Google it.)
The industry still bears the scars of the incident.

In this issue, I would like to discuss two aspects of the Samuraghi case that are still affecting the industry today.

◆Negotiating attacks on those in the music industry who praised Samuragochi.

I wasn't fooled! by musicians and critics who claim that they were not deceived by Mr. Samurakouchi,
(The incident was first discovered in February 2014).
(The incident was revealed on February 5, 2014.)

Everyone makes mistakes!

For the development of culture and the arts, it is essential that society be tolerant.
A society that is tolerant of others is the one that will foster diversity and the development of culture and technology.
For this reason, I think we should refrain from making persistent references.

◆The question of what is inspiration again.

Many guests were moved to tears when they heard Samuragochi's music.
Was this moved by the music? Were you moved by the story behind the music?

I'm not sure what it is.

Recently, Ryuichi Sakamoto stated, "The impression of music is someone else's misunderstanding.
This may be a warning against music being used for political propaganda.

The Samuragochi case was epoch-making in that it raised broad social questions about the power of music and its influence on the masses.

When considering the relationship between music and its audience, there are certain aspects that inevitably require a certain degree of separation.

I believe that this incident should be forgotten sooner rather than remembered as a lesson.
The reason is that history repeats itself.

See you soon.