Barriers faced by electric guitar beginners and how to overcome them

Apr 17, 2024

Beginning electric guitar players may face several obstacles as they continue to play. However, these barriers can be overcome with the proper approach. Below are some of the most common problems encountered by electric guitar beginners and how to overcome them.

Wall #1: Finger Pain

One of the first things a beginner will face is sore fingers when pressing the strings.

  1. How to Overcome: Finger pain will gradually lessen as you continue to play. Start by practicing for short periods of time and gradually increase your playing time. Also, be careful not to exert too much pressure on your fingertips, and practice pressing the strings in a relaxed state.

Wall 2: Difficulty with chord changes

Smoothly moving from one chord to another is a great challenge for beginners.

  1. How to overcome: Start with basic chord shapes and practice chord changes at a slower tempo. By practicing the same chord combinations over and over again once a day, you will gradually get smoother and smoother changes.

Obstacle 3: Inability to get an accurate rhythm

Especially with the electric guitar, you must be able to keep accurate rhythm.

  1. How to overcome: Use a metronome or drum track to develop a sense of rhythm. When choosing practice songs, start with songs that have simple rhythm patterns and gradually move on to more complex rhythms.

Obstacle 4: You can't stay motivated to practice.

It can be difficult to stay motivated when practice does not go as smoothly as you would like.

  1. How to overcome this: Increase your motivation to practice by adding songs you would like to play to your practice songs. Recording yourself regularly to check your progress is also an effective way to stay motivated.

The obstacles to electric guitar playing are not insurmountable. With proper practice and a positive attitude, you will overcome them. As you overcome each obstacle, your playing skills will grow and develop.