What you need to know before going to vocal school

Jan 8, 2022

I want to learn to sing.
When you think so, you knock on the door of a music school or vocal school.

You think, "If it's a professional, they can teach me anything.
With high expectations, they take a trial lesson, but singing teachers are not all-powerful.

Depending on the genre of singing you are learning,
There are different methods that should be done.

Therefore, when applying for a trial lesson,
You should make it clear what you want to sing and what genre of song you want to sing,
This will reduce the mismatch between the teacher and you.
In this article, I would like to explain the differences in teaching methods according to genre.


◆Vocal music and opera
It is assumed that the singer sings without a microphone. Therefore, it produces a wider range of vibrato and more overtones than pop music.
High notes are produced using a vocal technique called "head voice" (tosei, head voice), in which the back voice is resonated toward the top of the head.
The repertoire consists mainly of Western classical music and Japanese songs.

Vocal music requires the use of a microphone. Therefore, vibrato is more moderate than in vocal music.
However, it is said that without microphone is more effective in practice and lessons.
A vocal technique that controls the inside of the nose and produces high notes is commonly used.

This vocal technique is similar to vocal music,
It uses the natural voice more than vocal music.
Mainly uses mixed voices (a mixture of the natural voice and the back voice).

There is no problem in vocalizing pop songs, but a wider range of vibrato is required.
It is also characterized by the frequent use of fists and shakuras.

◆Folk songs, sutras, etc.
Folk songs, sutras, etc., do not use the diaphragm as in the West, but instead use a ground voice with a narrow throat (there are various theories about this). (There are various theories about this.)
It is a relaxed vocalization, like meditation.


The classification by genre is actually not well understood even by professionals.
When you take a trial lesson, you should infer the instructor's field of expertise from his/her performance activities,
It is also a good idea to check if the genre of music you would like to learn matches with the instructor's specialty.