Who is the most mischievous instrumentalist?

Feb 13, 2022

Do you usually go to professional concerts or live performances?
I often go.

But still,

I often go to professional concerts, etc. I often go to concerts by professional musicians.

I know, I know! Some of them have bright hair even though they are quite old.
If you think that you know what I'm talking about, then you know what I'm talking about.

Then, do you know which instrument has the most mischievous players?
I don't know either.

This time, I would like to discuss it with you.


Many professionals receive a Spartan education at an early age.
However, the repercussions can explode in adolescence.

There are performers who sometimes have a dangerous scent of the host style, aren't there?
Most of the time, they are charlatans from music high schools.

Some of them seem to go straight into the nightlife.
This may be partly because there are so many pianists that it is difficult to make a living only from music work.


The pattern is similar to the piano major charlatans, who hustle after entering a music high school.
Some music high schools are not very healthy school cultures,
Some of the music high schools have an atmosphere of an industrial high school with an unusually large number of female students.

As a trend, male violin majors tend to be softer than male piano majors, and are less likely to play with orals.

This is because violin is a surprisingly profitable instrument,
If you have the background to be loved in the industry, it is possible to make a living only by working in music.


Men who play the cello are often gangly and powerful.
Many of them look like ferocious bears, but they tend to be better students than other instruments.
Yes, they are!
You could say that this instrument has a lot of people who are like intelia*za.


This is a species that lives as an extension of the club. In other words, they are gory athletic.
Don't offend them by saying what you don't need to.

◆Wind instruments in general.

Like the contrabass, they are ostracized as an extension of the gymnastic.

Many of them are like gorilla-like people in the insurance and real estate industries, from whom only business skills have been trimmed.

Also, the wind instrument ruffians tend to be simpler and healthier than the piano and string instrument ruffians. (Conversely, piano and stringed instrument naughty people tend to be more sensitive and sick than they appear...)


How was it?

In this issue, we have considered which instruments have the most naughty people.
In summary, it looks like this.

Intelia*za - Piano, Cello

Just a charlatan・・・・Piano・・Violin

In this way, if you ask me what instrument has the most mischievous people...
Well, it remains a mystery.

Sorry ・・・・・

This is the author's prejudice.
It is not our company's view.

However, much of the information of live value and freshness can be untrue.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you, the music lover.

By the way, please be assured that we do not employ instructors who are too naughty on the lesson grid.