How does "music" get buzzed on social networking sites?

Mar 1, 2022

The Age of 2021, The Age of Corona.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Nowadays, social networking services are thriving as an advertising alternative to TV commercials.

With the proliferation of SNSs, there is no need to rely on companies or offices,
individuals can spread information (buzz) for free.

For this reason, most musicians are now using SNS on a large scale.
In this case, on Twitter, one of the most popular social networking sites,
I will discuss in detail about "buzzable videos" that use music.

◆To get buzz on SNS.

The author recently received a lot of information from a friend who is practicing making videos that get buzz on social networking sites.
I have almost no sensibility to be buzz-worthy and no desire for self-expression to be buzz-worthy.
However, I believe that "buzz-worthy videos" have become indispensable as a type of marketing and advertising.
I think it is becoming indispensable as a type of marketing and advertising.
I found it interesting purely as business.

Nowadays, videos of professional performances of musical instruments are all over the Internet.
It is not a simple matter to differentiate yourself among them.
So, what kind of videos are specifically required?

◆Incorporate story elements.

Use songs that everyone knows, or material that is not copyrighted,
It is considered the royal road to provide "laughter".
The "I played a song by the royal road,
Arrangements that deviate from the genre, such as "I tried to play a song in the style of

◆Compositional Devices
For video content such as Twitter, it seems to be recommended to create one climax in the first 3 seconds.
The reason is that if you don't attract people in a short time, they will lose interest and jump to another video. and jump to another video.

◆Reinforce branding with continuous submissions and the same layout.

In order to get more people to watch your videos, it seems essential to increase your fan base.
By continuing to post high quality videos in the same format,
By continuing to post quality videos in the same format, you can give consumers a preferred image of you.
If they can recall the contributor's image in 0.1 second when they see a new video,
If people can recall the contributor's image in 0.1 seconds when they see a new video, you have successfully branded it as a video.


With this approach, you will be recognized as a creator of value-added videos.
Once recognized, the videos will naturally spread on the Internet.
(In the case of Twitter, retweeting)

It is considered to be a very difficult task for an individual to create "buzz-worthy" content.
If you want to be a creator, why not put it into practice?

For detailed know-how, a shortcut is to ask an expert to teach you.
At "Lesson Grid," an online music lesson service,
We have many creators and instructors who are well versed in composing music with video creation.
If you are interested, why not take a lesson?
We are waiting for your application.

This column may sound like an information product store, but we do not plan to offer any service to sell business-related video know-how.