Toward optimal instrument practice time - using the example of "1,000 knocks practice".

Oct 26, 2022

I want to be able to play an instrument well!
With this wish, people practice a lot!

However, just practicing blindly will not improve your playing.
You will not improve unless you objectively observe your own movements during practice and correct undesirable movements into correct ones.

On the other hand, it is also true that a certain amount of practice time is necessary.
No matter how efficiently you practice, if you do not have the necessary amount of practice to memorize the movements, your playing will not improve.
Please look back at how you are practicing now.

◆What is "thousand-knock practice"?

One practice that many people tend to do is the "thousand-knock practice.
It refers to the practice of excessively repeating the same movement in order to make the body memorize a certain action.

◆Problems with "Thousand Knocks Practice"
One of the side effects of this practice is that the movement of the mind becomes slow when playing a musical instrument.
This is because as the "thousand-knock practice" continues, the brain becomes less active when playing, since the movements can be performed without using the mind.
This is a very dangerous practice because not only thinking ability but also hearing ability and agility deteriorate.

◆"Thousand-knock practice" of our predecessors.

The "Thousand Knocks Practice" has been practiced since ancient times.
Liszt, the piano wizard who composed masterpieces such as "La Campanella," practiced the "thousand-knock exercise" during his apprenticeship.
It seems that he read books to pass the time while performing the exercises he devised himself at the piano.
It seems that it was because Liszt was a genius that he was able to become a piano virtuoso through such practice.

◆History of "Thousand-knock Practice" criticism
Naturally, there were some voices criticizing the "Thousand Knocks Practice.
Chopin remarked, "Three hours a day of practice is enough.
Of course, three hours of practice by a professional pianist would not leave room for a thousand-knock practice.
R. Schumann also instructed, "If you get tired of practicing for the day, don't practice any more," and "Don't practice just to wriggle your fingers.

Many books written by performers after the 20th century suggest that practicing for more than four hours is undesirable.
Naturally, there is no room for a thousand-knock exercise, as one has to do a lot of things in a four-hour practice session.

On the other hand, there are those who say that more than eight hours of practice is necessary, but they are probably in the minority.
The famous Russian piano teacher G. Negus feared that long hours of practice from an early age would lead to a lack of common sense and education.

It may be required of one cultural person to strike a balance between practicing one's instrument and other cultural activities.

◆The modern "thousand-knock practice".

It is rumored that an educational institution affiliated with a certain music college has a repetitive practice named "100 practice sessions. I do not know the details, but as the name suggests, it seems to be a practice in which the same piece of music is played through 100 times.
Some brass band clubs also have a practice method where they play a piece of music for a competition 10 times in a row.
There was a heated debate about this practice method on the Internet.

Major leaguer Darvish tweeted on Twitter in 2010.
If you don't practice with your head, you'll usually lie.
This phrase is still a hot topic in 2020.
It seems to be that universal.

The time available to us in life is limited.
If you don't practice efficiently, you are wasting time.
Practicing at home is important, but having your performance listened to objectively is a shortcut.

It is important to take lessons so that you can get advice from your teacher and improve.
If you don't have time, there are online lessons that you can take at home.

Take advantage of online lessons to improve your own skills!